PDS Winners of Spring 2020

Jake Stamell

Jake is a Masters student in the Data Science Institute program at Columbia. He focuses on Bayesian statistics and is currently engaged in research on ocean carbon modeling through the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. Prior to his Masters, he spent three years working in management consulting at Bain & Co. He completed his undergraduate education at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, where he studied business and statistics.

Aditi Garg

Aditi is an M.S. student in Business Analytics. She is working as a Product Management Intern at Virimodo, a NY based startup and is passionate about turning interesting ideas into a product. In her free time, she enjoys writing and dancing - look out for her blog and flash mob performance in 2021.

Smita Yamgar

Smita just earned her M.S. in Civil Engineering with a concentration in Construction Management. She is adept in construction and project management. While pursuing her Masters at Columbia, she was very much attentive to student apprehensions. She was selected as a Department Representative for the Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics Department. She also represented the Engineering School in the Interschool Governing Body of Columbia University. In Spring 2020, she was granted the PDL fellowship. Throughout her tenure at Columbia, she demonstrated her leadership skills while proving herself as a tenacious, undaunted student.

Min-hwan Oh

Doctoral Candidate in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research

Felipe Paniagua

Masters student in Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics